Survey Brik Courses
Getting started with Survey Brik
How to build your first Voice Survey in few minutes!
Capture actual Voice of the Customers as voice messages on your Surveys using Softbrik's award winning Survey platform!
Add range sliders to your survey for better visual Customer Experience!
Learn how to capture contacts via Survey Brik with few clicks!
Advanced Survey Brik Features
Implement conditional logic for follow-up questions very easily via Survey Brik vs. traditional surveys. This makes surveys shorter and targeted but insightful.
Softbrik Surveys enables you to build a list of statements that customers can prioritize and re-order easily. This is extremely powerful in discovering true customer preferences on complex topics.
Create matrix tables for customers to give multi-dimensional answers in a fast and compact way reducing survey size and time!
Softbrik Surveys enable you to accept number fields with minimum and maximum constraint (like for age) making targeting and segmentation easier.