The Definitive Guide to Improving Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare

The Definitive Guide to Improving Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare
The Definitive Guide to Improving Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare

What is Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is a metric that asks patients to rate the degree to which they are satisfied with the quality of care provided by a facility. It is not a measurement of health outcomes but an indicator of how well the patient’s experience aligns with expectations.

Patient satisfaction data can be used to compare hospitals and provider groups based on their performance relative to their peers on this measure. Patient satisfaction measures are also used to evaluate the quality of care and identify improvement areas.

Why Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare is Important

When it comes to healthcare, patient satisfaction indicates the quality of healthcare provided. Patients satisfied with their experience are more likely to feel comfortable enough to return for treatment, recommend the practice to others, and even pay more for treatment.

Patients must also be satisfied with their doctor’s services to feel confident in their car. If they don’t feel confident in their care, they might not follow through with the recommended treatment plan.

Ways to Improve Patient Satisfaction

There are several ways to improve patient satisfaction, including:

Gather Patient Feedback

Patients are a great source of feedback on your practice, and you should make it easy for them to share their thoughts. One way to do this is by curating a patient satisfaction survey that asks patients how they feel about the care they receive and why. You can even ask patients to fill out comment cards at the end of each visit or send them an email survey once or twice yearly.

Understand your Patients and Tailor the Experience

It’s important to know your patients, which means more than just knowing their names. You should understand what they value most in their healthcare experience and how they feel about the type of care you provide. It will enable you to tailor your services to meet their needs.

Act on Insights at Every Level

Once you’ve collected and analyzed patient feedback, you must act on the insights you uncover. Use them to improve your customer experience and increase customer satisfaction. You can share your findings with staff members who interact with patients daily or use the data to identify weak spots in your business model and make changes accordingly.

Tips for Sustaining Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is an important metric for healthcare providers to track, as it can impact patient retention, reputation, and even revenue. Here are a few tips for sustaining high levels of patient satisfaction:

  1. Foster open communication: Encourage patients to ask questions and voice their concerns. Ensure they understand their treatment plan and what to expect during their visit.
  2. Show empathy: A little bit of compassion can go a long way in making patients feel heard and understood.
  3. Provide timely care: Long wait times and delays in treatment can lead to frustration and decreased satisfaction. Make sure to schedule appointments efficiently and address any issues that may cause delays in care.
  4. Follow up with patients: Make sure to check in with patients after their visit to see how they are feeling and address any additional concerns they may have.
  5. Solicit feedback: Regularly ask for patient feedback and use it to improve your care.
  6. Respect patient preferences: Some patients may have specific preferences or needs, such as a preferred method of communication or accommodation for a disability. Make sure to respect these preferences and accommodate them as much as possible.

By following these tips, healthcare providers can work to sustain high levels of patient satisfaction and improve the overall patient experience. Patient satisfaction surveys are a great way to measure your progress. Contact us today if you’re interested in learning more about patient satisfaction surveys.

Frequently Asked Questions

What drives patient satisfaction in healthcare?

Factors that can drive patient satisfaction in healthcare include quality of care, effective communication, comfort, convenience, positive treatment outcomes, and respect.

What is the essential element of patient satisfaction?

Essential elements of patient satisfaction include quality of care, effective communication, comfort, respect, and empathy.

A 5-Step Guide on Conducting Market Research Surveys

A 5-Step Guide on Conducting Market Research Surveys
A 5-Step Guide on Conducting Market Research Surveys

What is a Market Research Survey

Have you ever launched a new product only to find out that your target audience doesn’t want it? Or tried to advertise a product, only to find out that the ad campaign you chose doesn’t resonate with the audience at all?

That’s where market research surveys come in.

These surveys help you figure out what people think about your product or service by collecting information about your target audience and their habits, needs, and preferences. It’s essential to understand what your customers want so that you can provide them with a product or service that meets their needs.

A survey can be administered in person, by phone, or online. They usually ask a series of questions designed to uncover the opinions and behaviors of the participants. Market research surveys are commonly used by businesses that want to understand their customers’ wants and needs better.

How to Conduct a Survey for Market Research in 5 Steps

Decide your Goal

The first step in conducting a survey for market research is to decide your goal. Why are you running this survey? If you’re driving a market research survey, then your goal is likely to collect information about your audience so that you can make informed decisions about how to market products and services.

That means finding out how your customers perceive your product or service, or you might want to learn about their needs, or you want to know what they think of your brand.

Once you have decided what kind of information you need, choose a survey that will help you get those answers.

Choose a Type of Survey

The first step in conducting a market research survey is choosing the type of survey you want. There are two types of market research surveys: 

Primary Market Research is when you collect data from a sample that has never been collected before, such as an interview or a questionnaire.

Secondary Market Research is when you collect data from a sample that has already been collected. This could mean basing your sample on existing data.

Research and Design the Questionnaire

Now that you know which type of survey you want to go for, it’s time to do the research and design the questionnaire. Here are a few things to consider while creating your questionnaire:

  • When conducting a survey for market research, it is essential to design the questionnaire in such a way that it is easy to comprehend and answer. This can be accomplished by using clear, concise language and designing questions that clearly state what they are asking. 
  • It should also align with your brand identity so that respondents will feel comfortable sharing their opinions with you (and hopefully come back for more!). 
  • Try to include demographic information about respondents so that you can compare responses across different groups (age, gender, etc.). This will help you get the most information out of each respondent. 
  • It would help if you also considered whether or not you want to include open-ended questions in the survey. These types of questions allow for more detailed responses from participants. They can provide more information than closed-ended questions– But there’s a downside to this too. Open-ended questions may also take longer to answer (it’s usually best to stick to a quick and concise 5-minute questionnaire!) 

Pro Tip: Include images, emojis, or other multimedia elements to make things more visually appealing.

Execution of Survey Programm

Once you’ve created your questionnaire, it’s time to execute it! There are many ways market research surveys can be executed, whether it is via emails or posted on social media. Before distributing your survey, you’ll need to decide which method works best for your situation.

To understand what method best suits your survey, you will need to evaluate where you might find your potential respondents lingering the most.

Use Software to Analyse Data

To ensure you’re getting accurate and adequate data from your market research survey, you can use software to evaluate your questionnaire results. This will help you understand what questions were answered correctly, which questions were skipped over, and how many people actually took the time to fill out all of your questions.

You can use a survey tool to conduct market research and then analyze the results.

If you’re looking for a more hands-off approach, plenty of online tools can help with survey design and data analysis. You just have to make sure that they meet your needs in terms of features and cost.

Conduct Your Market Research Survey with Softbrik

There are endless ways to conduct your market research survey, but we’ve made it easy for you by providing the best tips and tricks for getting the answers you need in the fastest and most efficient way. Now that you are equipped with these tips, it’s time to put your epic questionnaire into action!

Not sure how?

Well, Softbrik can help you find out if your idea has legs by surveying people in your target market. It offers a variety of survey solutions, depending on the industry you are in– From industries ranging from Telecom to Health, e-Commerce, and more, Softbrik has you covered.

Softbrik’s market research platform is the perfect tool for conducting surveys, as it comes with a plethora of features that make data collection and analysis easy. The platform’s machine learning-based functions automatically detect key insights and emotions in the feedback. This makes it possible to collect qualitative data through surveys and turn it into actionable insights.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you create a market research survey?

There are a few important elements to keep in mind when creating a market research survey. You need to set your goal, identify your target audience, and design your questionnaire to yield the data you need to answer your question.

What are the components of a market research survey?

A standard market research survey consists of three components: the introduction, the questions, and the conclusion.

The introduction is where you get to tell the survey-taker why they should take your survey.

The questions are where you get to ask the questions that will help you with your market research.

The conclusion is where you can wrap up your survey and thank the people who participated.

Types of Effective Market Research Surveys for Different Sectors

Types of Effective Market Research Surveys for Different Sectors
Types of Effective Market Research Surveys for Different Sectors

What is Market Research Survey

Market research surveys are a key part of understanding your product or service market. They can be used to understand what people like about a product, what they don’t like, and why they feel that way. Market research surveys can also help companies understand how well their marketing efforts are working and how they can improve them.

Why Market Research Survey is Important for Different Sectors

A business market research survey is an essential part of any company, whether you are in the technology, medical or education sectors. The information can improve existing products and services and develop new ones.


The telecom market has been proliferating in the last few years. This is due to the increased use of mobile phones and other internet devices. Telecom Market Research Survey is the data collection used to analyze a market or a group of consumers. Such surveys can be conducted to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, or gather information for marketing campaigns.

For example, if a telecom company finds out that its customers are not happy with the customer support they provide, then it can take steps to improve it so that they retain its existing customers while attracting new ones as well.


The healthcare industry has to be constantly updated and revised. With the increasing demand for medical services, there is a need to keep up with the trends in medical research. With this, companies such as hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities must conduct market research surveys to understand their customers’ needs better.

For example, healthcare professionals can use market research surveys to learn more about the types of medications their patients are using and whether these drugs are working for them. If they notice that many of their customers are not satisfied with the results they get from current medications, it may be worth exploring alternative therapies that work better for them. 

Similarly, if they notice that many people in the community do not have health insurance and cannot afford to see a doctor regularly, then they can provide low-cost or free care so that everyone has access to medical services.

SaaS & IT

If you work in the IT department for a company that provides SaaS services, your main goal is to ensure that users’ experiences with your product are as seamless and easy as possible. You want to ensure they can use the software without problems and provide excellent customer service whenever issues arise.

In the SaaS & IT industry, market research surveys are a common practice to understand how customers perceive your product. The results of these product market research surveys can be leveraged to optimize your product, identify new opportunities and challenges, and prepare for future growth.


Banking is a highly regulated industry, so you must ensure that your products and services comply with the rules and regulations set by government agencies. You also must protect your customers’ personal information while using your product or service. As such, market research surveys are crucial for banks because they help them gain insights into customer perceptions and preferences.

They also help banks to learn their customers’ want and need, what they like and dislike about the bank’s services and products, how satisfied they are with those services and products, etc.


The world is changing rapidly, and education is also evolving rapidly. The market is becoming more competitive, and the need for quality education has become very important.

The role of market research surveys in education has been increasing day by day. 

It helps understand students’ and teachers’ needs, requirements, and preferences. It also helps identify gaps between what students want and what they get. Market research surveys should be conducted regularly so that they can be used to improve the quality of education.


A retail market research survey is an integral part of any retail business. It helps in knowing what products to sell, where to sell them, and how much should be charged for each product. A retailer needs to conduct a market research survey every year or so, depending on the industry they are in.

This survey aims to identify changes in customer preferences and to buy behavior so that the retailer can keep up with the latest trends.


E-commerce is a growing industry, and a greater demand for market research comes with it. E-commerce sites need to know how their customers behave and how they want to keep up with the competition. Market research surveys help businesses understand their target audience and how they can best serve them.

E-commerce market research surveys are an effective way of understanding customer behaviour, preferences, and buying patterns. It helps you understand why they are choosing your brand over its competitors. This will help you improve your products and services so that they can meet customer needs better than anyone else in the market.

E-commerce businesses can conduct these surveys by email or by asking customers to fill out a form on their website.

Types of Market Research Surveys

There are different types of market research, and some surveys can be used for more than one purpose. Here are some examples:

Customer Experience Surveys

These surveys are used to gather feedback on customer experience. They help businesses understand customers’ thoughts or feelings about their products and services and any issues they encounter. This can improve existing products or services or create new ones that better meet customer needs.

Product Surveys

A market research product survey is used to gather feedback on specific products. They help businesses understand what customers think of various features and benefits, how they interact with the product, and why they purchased it in the first place.

Brand Surveys

These surveys are used to gather feedback on a company’s overall brand. They help businesses understand how customers feel about the company and what needs to be done to improve its image.

Retail Market Research Survey

These surveys are used to gather information about the retail market. They help businesses understand what customers want, how they shop for products, and how to price their items.

How to Choose the Right Market Research Survey

When deciding which type of survey is right for your business, it’s important to consider the kind of information you need and the people who will be taking the survey. For example, a brand survey may be appropriate if you want to know how customers feel about a specific product or service. 

Similarly, retail market research surveys are best suited for your needs if you want to gauge how customers shop in general or what features they want from your products or services.

Softbrik’s Voice Survey, Feedback, and Support platform allow you to collect customer feedback to implement substantial organizational changes. Get started with Softbrik’s voice survey and feedback to gather comprehensive customer insights and improve customer engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you automate market research surveys?

Yes, you can automate market research surveys within the AI survey and feedback platform. You can also schedule the surveys to be sent at specific times and dates and manage all responses and data with our web-based survey tool.

What are the things to consider before doing a market research survey?

When planning to do market research surveys, it is important to consider the target audience and their needs. You should also determine what information you want to gather from the survey and how to implement the data to make strategic decisions.

5 Best NPS Survey Tools and How they can Help you in 2023

5 Best NPS Survey Tools and How they can Help you in 2023
5 Best NPS Survey Tools and How they can Help you in 2023

Top 5 NPS Survey Tools for a Stronger Customer Loyalty in 2023

What is an NPS Survey

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a customer loyalty metric that can show how likely a customer will recommend your product to others. You can use an NPS survey tool to determine the likelihood of a customer recommending your business and categorize them as promoters, passives, or detractors based on their response.

To run an NPS survey, you need to send out a survey that asks your customers one question: “How likely would you recommend [your company] to a friend or colleague?” You can then categorize responses as either a promoter (10 being the highest), passive (7-9), or detractor (0-6). Next, calculate the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors and subtract from 100.

5 Best NPS Tools of 2023

The right NPS survey tool can help improve your customer loyalty in no time. Here are the top 5 NPS survey tools to help you gauge customer satisfaction in 2023.


NPS scores tend to be inaccurate because they ask leading questions that are interpreted differently by different people. Most people who are pushed to answer will respond by concealing their true feelings.

Softbrik’s algorithm analyzes what customers really mean—rather than just the words they use to describe something—by scanning voice messages for formative feedback and blending it with traditional ratings. You can find out how favorable people view your company and whether they feel indifferent or disgruntled—and take concrete steps to address those issues.

Softbrik’s Voice Survey, Feedback, and Support platform allow you to capture more profound insights into your customers’ needs and identify actions that will help them. Softbrik’s AI understands the requirements of its customers and highlights critical contexts or emotions. Their buyer profiles are classified by need groups. Your team can respond to leads by prioritizing them according to their needs and value and then communicating with the prospect using personalized messaging that increases conversions by up to 40%.

Softbrik’s AI automatically analyzes quantitative and qualitative data, providing in-depth insights that reveal patterns and help spot problems.


You can use Survicate to conduct Net Promoter Score surveys on your products, website, and emails. Increase NPS survey response rates with Survicate, which allows you to watch responses soar as you record all survey responses, even if a survey is incomplete.

It enables you to embed NPS surveys directly into emails. This decreases the number of clicks for recipients and increases response rates.

Get an overview of the health of your customer relationships with intuitive dashboards and reports. Quickly export feedback into comprehensive spreadsheets to further analyze data with Survicate.

Survey Sparrow

Survey Sparrow is an omnichannel CX management software that uses NPS surveys to help businesses identify opportunities for improving customer loyalty. Use the flexibility of dynamic lists to segment your respondents based on any criteria. Use follow-up questions to learn more about customer preferences and expectations.

You can automate the process of distributing your survey by setting it to be automatically sent at a specified time and cadence and sending it only to certain customers.


InMoment distinguishes itself from other companies by focusing on providing timely and detailed responses to customers’ queries. This approach increases the likelihood that they will return to make future purchases.

InMoment offers a variety of survey delivery options, including in-app surveys and QR code surveys designed to boost customer engagement. It is a robust NPS feedback management system that can be deployed for any size company or use case.


AskNicely is a customer experience platform that allows companies to conduct surveys and gather customer feedback. The tool lets you collect automated customer feedback with customizable NPS surveys that you can circulate through various channels, including email and SMS.

AskNicely provides a simple way to create and share customer satisfaction surveys. In addition to offering the NPS survey, AskNicely has an ebook with original research that helps you learn how to improve your score and gauge your customers better.

Choosing the Right NPS Survey Tool

The best NPS survey tools can give you the data you need to make better decisions. You should see how your customers feel about their experience, what they’re looking for and how well your business is doing.

A good NPS survey tool should also be easy to use, customizable, and provide actionable data. The top NPS survey tools are flexible enough to help you adapt them to your business’s needs while providing reliable customer feedback.

Softbrik helps companies ensure complete customer communication with voice surveys. Sign up with Softbrik to design and deploy voice-to-text forms, surveys, and support issues with a few clicks. Capture customer information across all channels and touchpoints to help you improve scores and enhance satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Platforms can you Run the NPS Survey On?

NPS surveys can be created to run efficiently using Softbrik, SurveyMonkey, Cognito Forms, and other form-building software.

What to ask when running an NPS survey?

Here are some common questions to ask when running an NPS survey:

  • How likely will you recommend this company/product/service to a friend or colleague?
  • What was the main reason for your score on this question?
  • What could we have done better?
  • Are there any specific areas where we need more work?

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Contact Center Automation

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Contact Center Automation
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Contact Center Automation

What is Contact Center AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computation that aims to mimic human action smartly by recognizing inputs, processing them, and responding accordingly. Contact Centers have played an essential role over the years in enabling enterprises to provide customer service and initiate sales conversations. Contact Center AI is about applying artificial intelligence to contact center operations.

Why is Contact Center Automation Important

While the role of contact centers is mission-critical for most organizations (especially the larger ones), it is often challenging to match customer expectations while economizing costs. There are two main cost heads associated with the contact center:

  1. Cost of Manpower: Companies need large workforces to handle high-volume customer requests. 
  2. Cost of Infrastructure: The cost of infrastructure includes the technology and real estate required to enable the contact center agents to perform. 

For decades, cutting down on contact center costs has been a high priority for businesses. However, traditional cost-cutting measures( such as outsourcing operations to a lower-cost geographic location) bottom out beyond a point. 

Artificial intelligence allows businesses to explore further pockets for cost reduction while not compromising on customer delight.

How Contact Center Automation with AI Helps

Most companies first adopt  AI for contact center automation to reduce workforce and infrastructure costs. However, the benefits of AI-based automation aren’t just limited to cost savings. As a result, AI is fast becoming a default standard in contact center automation, at least in the case of L1 support. Let’s look at these benefits in detail.

Improves Customer Journey

Initially, there was tremendous apprehension amongst naysayers that AI would lead to customer dissatisfaction & churn. The fears held merit a few years back. However, the field of AI is fast evolving, and as a result, the technology is getting better at handling customer requests. 

An improved AI-based automation system leads to an improved customer experience and journey. Think about some of the typical challenges of traditional contact centers. Two of the most outstanding ones would typically be long wait times and sketchy after-hour services. In both these cases, AI has played a pivotal role in transforming the customer experience. 

It’s not that AI today can handle 100% of all contact center cases. However, there are quite a few cases that a contact center receives daily, which are primarily about performing simple tasks such as updating information, booking or canceling appointments, or typical other such queries. These requests often comprise about 70% of all daily requests. In AI is used successfully to handle requests, the contact center can save on costs while bumping a few notches up in efficiency.

Analyzes Customer Interaction

A couple of lines from the famous Coca-cola promotional song for the FIFA world cup 2010 apply really well to artificial intelligence:

“When I will be older,

I will be stronger ….”

AI-based systems improve with age because the data it handles supervises the algorithm to perform better. There is another side benefit that’s often ignored. This data is available to the organization to analyze customer interactions. Such data collection is almost impossible in a human-agent-based contact center. More often than not, agents are overloaded with cases, and it’s unfair to estimate proper documentation of each case.

Empowers the Agent

There has been quite a hue and cry on how AI might end up jobs for contact center agents. The reality, however, has panned down differently. While there have been workforce reductions- AI hasn’t eliminated agents. Instead, artificial intelligence has ended up empowering the agents. In quite a few cases, AI is used internally to help agents resolve issues better and faster.

Enhances Overall Agent Performance

In most centers today, it’s a hybrid environment. Artificial intelligence does the gatekeeping and handles the basic requests. The escalations are then transferred to human agents. Such a system improves the overall agent performance. Agents can now spend more time per case and handle more complex issues. The overall agent performance improves as agents get better at handling such cases.

Reduces Cost

According to the report, Call Center Software Statistics for 2022, AI adoption in contact centers have led to: 

  • 59% reduction in operational costs
  • 59.9% increase in productivity
  • 36% improvement in efficiency

The cost reduction presents a compelling case for more prevalent adoption of AI in contact center operations.

Future of Artificial Intelligence in Contact Center Automation

As per Deloitte, in 2019, only 13% of Contact Centers deployed Artificial Intelligence. However, the situation is fast changing, and AI adoption is growing at a CAGR of 21.3%. In 2022, the market size for global Contact Center AI is $1.6 Billion. It is estimated to reach $4.1 Billion by 2027.

As of 2022, about 60% of contact centers are testing AI. There is one question; however, that needs to be addressed. In what form would AI be most effective to be customer-facing? 

As per Call Center Technology Survey, 2022 – 76% of customers prefer voice when dealing with contact centers. The preference for chatbots or interactive chats is just 14%. Yet, in most cases today, we see companies adopting AI using text-based chatbots. 

We can expect the trend to change towards voice-based AI. If you want to give voice-based AI a spin, you may want to try out Softbrik.

Frequently Asked Questions

What level of support does Contact Center AI offer?

There are 2 major ways in which contact center AI is used today. In some cases, it’s used to solve customer queries directly. In other cases, it is used in the backend to help agents solve customer queries better and faster.

Who are the typical users of Contact Center AI?

When it comes to adoption of Contact Center AI, the top 4 sectors are BFSI, IT&Telecom, Healthcare and Retail.

An Introduction to Contact Center Trends in 2023

An Introduction to Contact Center Trends in 2022
An Introduction to Contact Center Trends in 2022

What is a Contact Center

A contact center is a division of a business that handles customer queries. Most often, it is the central point from where a business manages all its customer interactions. The primary objective is to connect with the target audience and provide them with technical support. The contact center agents communicate with customers through multiple channels such as email, chat, social media, etc.

Top 4 Contact Center Trends in 2023

Over the years, contact centers have grown significantly. Customers now expect businesses to be available and easily approachable round the clock. The customer contact landscape has thus shifted to new trends. Businesses are trying to meet the evolving needs of their customers to build strong customer relationships.

Digital transformation has been the most rewarding trend in 2023 for businesses. Besides this, the application of sophisticated analytics, cloud communication, and improved self-service options to increase the productivity of agents are the trends that are shaping the business environment in 2023.

Omnichannel Support

With changing times and rapid digitisation of industries, customer expectations have undergone a significant shift. Omnichannel support is the new standard now. Under this customer experience strategy, consistent customer interaction is done via more than one channel involving emails, chatbot, voice-over IP, website support among others.Just  having several channels is not sufficient. How a business can seamlessly interact from one channel to another is the key to an efficient omnichannel.

Multichannel customer support and omnichannel support are quite different. An omnichannel experience allows the conversation history and the context itself to navigate from one channel to another while multi-channel support just offers support across different platforms. This means more personalized support along with expediency of the process. One of the biggest ways to smoothen the customer experience for contact centers is to improve upon ways in which agents interact with customers across various channels.

Application of AI and Automation

Advancement in technology has a continuing effect on customer service trends. From ordering a pizza to booking a hotel room, automation is everywhere these days. With Artificial intelligence (AI) today, a complete end-to-end customer service that provides real-time self-service is possible. It has transformed and modernized the tools and processes which contact centers apply in their daily interactions.

Predictive analytics is something all brands are getting into to streamline customer contact services. It would be natural to expect more contact centers adopting automation and AI-powered technology in the future. Technology is known for saving the user’s valuable time. The same is the case with the application of AI in contact centers. Customers don’t feel that their valuable time has been wasted. Not only does it let agents work efficiently, but it also creates a loyalty-building customer experience through its seamless cross-channel transitions.

Recognizing the Importance of Customer Support

Selling a product is only half the battle won for any business. In order to be successful in the long term, it is crucial to provide flawless customer support. The rewards of providing stellar customer support are manifold -positive brand image, brand value, recurring revenue, and so on. Believe it or not, good customer service can even justify an otherwise-sounding expensive price tag on your product!

Contact Centers as Revenue Drivers

Earlier contact centers were perceived as unavoidable “cost centers” but companies are recognising how good quality customer support can impact a business positively. . But according to the recent emerging trends, these centers are considered “revenue drivers.”

 Speaking to a contact center agent facilitates the purchase decisions of customers. Moreover, they can offer additional services or introduce the customers to related products. This influences the perception and purchase of the customers and improves overall customer retention. It’s a business rule that retaining the current customers is more important than acquiring a new one. Thus, it enables recurring revenue for the business and saves on heavy advertising expenses.

The Importance of Keeping Up with the Contact Center Trends

Having a robust customer support system opens up proactive engagement opportunities. A dynamic contact center is capable of maintaining customer loyalty that lasts. These trends in contact centers have helped in attracting more trade and providing higher customer satisfaction. These trends are certainly here to pay dividends to companies for years to come.

The trends are also of substance because they fundamentally shift the way businesses and customers perceive customer interactions. In this era of complexity everywhere, making smart choices is the key.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does contact center mean?

The term “Contact center” reflects the many ways besides telephone calls of communicating with customers. It depicts a shift from the traditional ways of customer service. The whole process of tracking, coordinating, and managing is made faster and smoother.

What is the difference between a call center and a contact center?

It is a common notion that contact centers and call centers are interchangeable terms. That is not true.  They are different in the methodology they adopt and are used for different business objectives. A call center heavily relies on customer interactions via the phone while a contact center provides customer services through a range of mediums like chat, social media etc.

Why do we need a contact center?

In this era of millennials and Gen Z, where calling is seen as time-consuming and mostly avoided, a call center may not work as a one-size-fits-all solution. Given that, you may need a customer service system that uses multiple communication channels. These channels suit different buyers,  facilitating a wider customer interaction.

Best Market Research Survey Questions to Ask your Customers

Best Market Research Survey Questions to Ask your Customers
Best Market Research Survey Questions to Ask your Customers

Types of Market Research Survey Questions

A market research survey can help businesses to get a foothold in the market. A key factor in making such surveys successful depends on asking the right questions. It is fundamental to ask relevant questions in a market survey if you genuinely want to use them as research intelligence tools.

There are various types of market research questions, and you can use  them according to the survey objective, sample size, survey method, etc. Read on to see some of the most popular market research survey question types.

Close Ended Questions

A close-ended question is a question with pre-defined structured responses. The respondents have to choose answers from a distinct set of responses. These are usually “yes and no,” “wrong and right,” or “true and false.” These questions aim to collect focused quantitative data or one-word answers. They limit the respondents to the answer options already provided. Belonging to this family are the following questions types:

Dichotomous Questions

As the name suggests, these questions offer only two possible answers. Such questions are usually used in surveys that need a Yes/No, Agree/Disagree, Like/Dislike, and Fair/Unfair response. It helps in understanding the contrast among respondents. There is a clear distinction between opinions and preferences. Here are a few examples:

  •         Do you like this product? Yes/No
  •         Are the prices under our brand fair?  Fair/Unfair
  •         Do you like our product return services? Like/Dislike

·         Do you agree with our updated privacy policy?   Agree/Disagree

Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) give more than two answer options to the respondents. The users are asked to choose one of the choices given in each question. This helps in getting a clearer answer. The purpose is to fetch the exact preferences and requirements of the consumers. Here are a few examples:

  •         Which type of shampoo do you use the most?


  •         What do you prefer for breakfast?

Home-made food/Corn flakes/Brown Bread/Juices

  •         Where do you shop more frequently?

Local market/ Office canteens/ Malls/ Online platforms

Rating Scale

It’s a famous variant of multiple-choice questions and is used to collect relative information about a particular subject. It’s used when a survey intends to assess the feedback for a product or service in comparative form. The respondents are encouraged to rate the product or service concerned or the attributes associated with them. A rating scale provides more information than dichotomous questions. Researchers use it when they intend to link a qualitative measure with a product or a feature thereof. Examples:

  •         Which of these best describes your experience with your latest purchase of our products?

Very unpleasant/Somewhat unpleasant/Neutral/Somewhat pleasant/Pleasant

  •         How likely are you to recommend our services to others?

Very likely/Likely/Never/Unlikely/Very Unlikely

Importance Scale

In survey questionnaires, “level of importance” questions help the researchers in assessing what is most important to their audience. These are detailed questions. Proper measurement of importance garners critical information about potential and existing customers. Such questions are highly fruitful in the pre-launching phase of a product/service. A few examples could be:

  •         How important is the ‘speed of service’ in our restaurant to you?
  •         How important is eco-friendly product packaging in your purchase decision?
  •         What level of importance do you assign to the response time of our customer support team in addressing complaints?

Not at all important/Slightly important/Important/Fairly important/Very important

Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions are free-form questions used to elicit a detailed answer from the respondents. These are more suitable for exploratory market research surveys. Respondents are encouraged to submit more of their own opinions and experiences in an open-text format. This needs more time and effort on both ends.

Entirely Unstructured

These are typically used in qualitative research surveys. Unstructured questions are used predominantly in face-to-face interviews, where it is easy to make a free-flowing conversation with the respondent. They can also be used in telephonic interviews. However, it is indeed a time-consuming process. Given structured limits are absent, a conversation can stretch for a longer time. Nonetheless, experienced interviewers with strong research backgrounds can make the best out of these. Examples of unstructured conversation could be:

  •         Do you exercise? Yes.
  •         How often do you exercise? Twice daily except on Sundays.
  •         What equipment do you use? Dumbbells, Treadmill, Exercise Cycle, Sitting mat.

·         How does exercising make you feel? I feel fresh and energetic.

Sentence Completion

This is a psychological method to gain an understanding of consumer behavior, preference, and feelings regarding the subject. The initial part of sentences is prepared in advance, and respondents are asked to add the remaining part based on their liking and understanding. This is also a useful technique for getting a grip on the mindsets of potential customers of a company. Below are a few examples:

  •         After a long and tiring work day, I prefer to…….
  •         My priority while shopping for my infant is……..
  • ·        ………………..are the best features to look for in body wash.

Word Association

This is yet another psychological test conducted in market surveys to test respondents’ perceptions. They are given words or a short phrase and are requested to respond with the first word that comes to their minds upon hearing/seeing them. These words or phrases are called ‘stimulus words.’ Spontaneity is a must while answering these surveys. Usually, these tests are used to name a new product or service. Some researchers use these questions as a warm-up exercise before starting a detailed personal interview. Examples:

  •  What is it that comes to your mind when I say “Fashion”…..?
  •  What comes to your mind when I say “interior decoration”….?
  •  What comes to mind when someone says “cars”….?

Freaquently Asked Questions

What are market surveys and their types?

A market survey is a research process in which information about consumers or target markets is collected, analyzed, and examined. There are different types of market surveys, such as Competitor surveys, Buyer persona surveys,  Brand awareness surveys, Market segmentation surveys, etc.

What are the 5 types of market research?

The five types of market survey research are-

  •  Market Segmentation
  • Consumer satisfaction
  • Competitor analysis
  • Customer loyalty

Product development and insights

Why is survey the best method for market research?

A market survey helps you understand your consumers, the market you are entering, and your competitors. As a result, you’re in a better position to make effective business decisions. The insights you gain are useful in positioning your products and prices in the target market.

NPS Survey: Meaning, Definition, and Types with Examples

NPS Survey: Meaning, Definition, and Types with Examples
NPS Survey: Meaning, Definition, and Types with Examples

What is an NPS Survey?

 A crucial end goal for any business is to make their customers happy. How do you measure how happy your customers are? Asking them is a possible way but it’s not really a feasible option if the business deals with thousands of customers. Net Promoter Score Survey (NPS) survey quickly gathers information from your customers, providing you with valuable feedback. The feedback aids you in improving your products/services, creating a loyal customer base, and eventually scaling your business. Here’s how it can benefit your business.

Types and Examples of NPS Surveys

There are several types of Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys that businesses can use to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty. Some of the popular surveys are: 

  1. Employee NPS: This type of survey is used to measure employee satisfaction and engagement within an organization. It helps to identify areas where the company can improve the employee experience and foster a positive company culture.
  2. Brand NPS: This type of survey measures the overall perception of a brand and its products or services among its customers. It can help businesses understand how they compare to their competitors and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Software NPS: This type of survey is specifically designed to gauge the satisfaction of customers using a particular software product. It helps the software company understand how well their product is meeting the needs of its users and identify any issues that need to be addressed.
  4. Transactional NPS: This type of survey is used to measure customer satisfaction immediately after a transaction or interaction with a company, such as after making a purchase or contacting customer service. It provides real-time feedback that can help businesses address any issues and improve the customer experience.

Follow-up NPS: This type of survey is used to follow up with customers after they have had a chance to use a product or service for a longer period of time. It helps businesses understand how well the product or service is meeting the needs of its users over time and identify any potential issues that may arise.

The NPS Scale

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) scale is based on a single question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?”

Customers who respond with a score of 9 or 10 are considered “promoters” and are likely to be loyal to the company and advocate for it to others. Those who respond with a score of 7 or 8 are considered “passives,” while those who respond with a score of 0 to 6 are considered “detractors.” Detractors are less likely to be loyal to the company and may even spread negative feedback about it.

NPS can be used to measure employee satisfaction as well. By asking the same question to employees, businesses can gauge the level of engagement and commitment among their workforce.

NPS surveys can be conducted in various ways, including in person, over the phone, or online. Many businesses use online surveys as a convenient and cost-effective way to collect NPS data from a large number of customers or employees. The results of NPS surveys can be used to inform marketing efforts and improve the overall customer experience.

How to Conduct an NPS Survey

To conduct a Net Promoter Score survey, you’ll need to ask some multiple-choice questions. Keep it short and sweet; your sample size will probably be relatively small, and trying to collect too much information could hurt response rates. NPS surveys can be of several types-simple questions, choice models, and hybrid. The simple question approach asks respondents to rate how likely they are to recommend your company out of ten; they can also select a write-in option for more detailed feedback. A choice model survey allows people to choose from three options (for example, definitely not recommended, neutral or recommended without hesitation). And a hybrid combines elements from both approaches.

Include Demographic Questions

While there are a few basic types of NPS surveys, depending on your specific needs, you can include demographic questions to learn more about your client’s preferences.

For example:

  • Asking people if they have kids or pets can be valuable information in a retail environment; knowing who lives near you might affect where you sell products and services.
  • On a more granular level, it’s helpful to ask about people’s income and housing situations—this can help when designing services or creating products.

The truth is that most of us will take better care of something we paid money for than something we simply feel some obligation to protect. Answering these questions may also spark ideas for new products or service offerings. You can never know too much about your customers!

Include NPS Score Question

You can ask this question: What do you think about our company?

If you can take an NPS survey using a tool or even just through email, then there’s no reason not to have one on your site; it only takes a few minutes and can provide excellent insight into what your customers and clients think of your product or service.

You should also look at trend data over time (over weeks or months) to see how well you’re doing in terms of customer satisfaction.

An example of a Net Promoter Score question:

  • How likely are you to recommend (company’s name) to your friends and colleagues?

You can usually find a score ranging anywhere from 0% (definitely not recommended) to 100% (definitely recommended). Promoters are loyal enthusiasts who will keep coming back for more, and recommending us to others. Detractors will willingly take their money elsewhere and happily tell you why they did it.

Keep Open Ended Questions for Customers' Reason behind the given Score

 While asking for feedback, it’s essential to keep your questions open-ended. That way, you can get more detailed responses about what went wrong or correct and how you can improve.

For example:

  • On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate us?
  • Or even, would you recommend us to a friend or colleague?

Keep your questions vague and ask specifically what they think went well (or not) so that they can give specific suggestions rather than just rating your company.

An example of an open-ended question would be:

  • How do we get 5 stars from you next time?

This allows customers to offer precise answers that will help steer improvements for future customers.

Ask for Customer's Feedback on Improving their Experience

A customer experience survey is a great tool to use when developing products, services, or processes. The NPS survey is an essential part of improving a customer’s experience. The motivation behind this type of survey is to gain valuable feedback from your customers in order to enhance their experience. Happy customers are more likely to share a positive experience on social media, in person, and recommend you to others. If you do not ask for their feedback, they will not be able to give it to you, and you are therefore missing a pivotal opportunity to improve your customer’s overall experience and ultimately increase sales as well.

The first thing we should ask is:

  • How do you suggest improving our product/ service/ experience?
  • If there was only one thing our organization could do to improve, what would it be according to you?

What is a Good Net Promoter Score

To have a Good Net Promoter Score means that your company is doing an excellent job at delivering exceptional customer service and being responsive to their needs. If you want to know what a good score is, it’s anything over 40%, and if you fall below that threshold, you may need to take steps toward improving your customer service or satisfaction levels. That’s where Net Promoter Score surveys come in.

What is a Bad Net Promoter Score

Before you get a Bad Net Promoter Score, we should first get a good understanding of what a Net Promoter Score means. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures customer loyalty and growth by asking your customers to answer a straightforward question: on a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend us to your friends or colleagues? Customers respond based on a how likely scale, which ranges from 0 above – unlikely, 3 and above – neutral, 6 and above – likely, and 10 – extremely likely. Again, the scores vary depending on the organization’s needs.

The Importance of NPS Surveys

In the age of high customer churn and low conversion rates, companies are looking for new ways to save money and improve their bottom line. One of the best ways to do this is by improving NPS. The Net Promoter Score survey can be used to determine customer loyalty, predict customer success and ultimately help your company increase sales and retain customers.

For example, you might ask: How likely would you be to recommend us to a friend or colleague? with response options ranging from definitely not likely (0) to extremely likely (10). Or maybe: On a scale of 0–10, how satisfied were you with our product or service? What could we do better next time? These survey questions give respondents more room for elaboration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is NPS important to a company?

An NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey measures customer loyalty and provides valuable insight into how well your company is serving its customers. It can also be used as a performance benchmark for tracking customer satisfaction over time.

What is the benefit of using NPS?

The Net Promoter Score provides benefits to both your organization and your customers. For organizations, it’s a way to measure and monitor customer loyalty.

What is NPS in customer success?

A Net Promoter Score, or NPS, measures how likely your customers are to recommend your product or service.

The Importance of Employee Surveys to Amplify Team Management in 2023

The Importance of Employee Surveys to Amplify Team Management in 2023
The Importance of Employee Surveys to Amplify Team Management in 2023

What is an Employee Voice Survey

The Voice of Employee (VoE) survey is a way for employees to express their ideas, concerns, suggestions, and complaints at work. These can be directed to their respective managers, HR representatives, etc.

Many companies have popularized the VoE survey to improve internal communication between employees and management. It enables employees to let off steam in a safe environment while also allowing managers to make changes that benefit everyone in the workplace.

The Importance of Employee Voice Survey

A VoE survey is a great way to improve internal communication between employees and management and build a healthy working environment for both parties.

Employee voice surveys are a great way to evaluate how employees feel about the organization they are working for. When implemented correctly, employee voice surveys help employees feel more connected with their work and the company they are associated with. These surveys can also help the authorities make informed decisions about the working culture, leading to higher productivity and employee retention.

How Should an Employee Voice Survey Look like

To keep employees happy and engaged, knowing what they think is essential. An employee voice survey is a great way to find out what’s on their minds and can help you identify any alarming issue before it gets out of proportion.

An employee voice survey should have key categories that deeply impact a work environment, such as management, communication, work environment, goals, ethics, and values. Each of these categories should have several questions that are short and crisp.

The employee voice survey should be easy to comprehend and direct. A good number of these questions should be related to employee satisfaction.

Examples of Employee Voice Survey Questions

Employee voice surveys are a great way to get insights into your employees’ attitudes, opinions, and perceptions.

The questions you choose to incorporate into your employee voice survey will determine the insights you get from the survey. Be mindful of the survey questions you decide to gather valuable insights into. Here are 10 examples of employee voice survey questions you can include in your employee survey:


  1. How proud are you to be a part of this organization?
  2. How satisfied are you with your roles and responsibilities in this organization?
  3. Do you feel motivated to complete your work tasks on time?
  4. Do your goals align with this organization?
  5. Are you satisfied with the leadership you’re provided within this organization?
  6. Do you know what this organization’s expectations are from you?
  7. Do you have access to the required resources to complete your tasks efficiently?
  8. Are you satisfied with the deadlines given to you for your tasks?
  9. Do you feel motivated to come to work daily?
  10. Do you think this organization has the work environment you need to develop your career?

5 Benefits of Employee Voice Survey

Measures Employee Satisfaction Level

One of the key advantages of employee voice surveys is that they help measure and evaluate employee satisfaction levels. Employee voice surveys can give your company insight into how satisfied your employees are with their jobs, their managers, and the company as a whole. You can use these results to evaluate where there might be room for improvement.

Helps Understand Primary Improvement Areas

It’s essential to know where you need improvement as well as which areas are doing well. You can use employee survey results to improve your company culture in areas that need it most. 

An employee voice survey can help you identify key improvement areas in your workplace. You may find out that some processes need to be revamped or that certain aspects of the company’s work culture could be improved. This information helps you make better decisions regarding how to improve your workplace for employees’ benefit.

Helps Understand Key Drivers Impacting Overall Satisfaction

The employee voice survey is a great way to identify not only what you’re doing right but also where there is room for improvement. Employees are more likely to be honest about their experiences when they are asked in an anonymous way, which allows them to speak freely without fear of being judged or punished for their answers. Your company can take note of the positive feedback and ensure they keep up with it while implementing changes in areas that may have received negative feedback.

Improves Communication

Employee voice surveys can be a company’s stepping stone for establishing a clear path of communication between the authorities and the employees. It is essential to give employees the ability to express their feelings, whether positive or negative.

Employee voice surveys provide a way for employees to voice their opinions about their work culture, diversity and inclusion, leadership style and methods, and other aspects of their jobs that they might not have otherwise felt comfortable sharing. They can also provide companies with valuable insight into what works well within their organization and what needs improvement.

Shows Employees that You Care

Giving your employees the space to express themselves and being a good listener shows how much your company cares for its employee’s welfare.

Employee voice surveys are a more proactive and personal method of employee feedback. These surveys have a much different tonality than the standard employee feedback process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do companies collect an employee's voice?

Companies collect an employee’s voice in a variety of ways. For example, they can use employee voice surveys, employee engagement software, one-on-one conversations, and more.

Why is employee listening important?

Employee voice surveys are a great way to get the company’s pulse from your employees. They allow you to get feedback from each employee and compare it across departments and teams. You can leverage this information to identify scopes for improvement and make changes that improve employee engagement.

What does employee input mean?

Employee input is the written description of your employees’ work accomplishments and performance that they share with you.

It’s an important thing to keep track of because it can help you identify employee productivity and provide extra training or support, where needed.